Monday, January 9, 2017

2017 Picnic Planning

It's that time again!!!!

      It is time to start thinking about the 2017 Alumni Picnic!  Do you own a small business? Would you like to promote that business at the picnic? If you said yes then contact Amanda at (931) 241--1803 and she will fill you in on the details on how to become part of our sponsor team, before March 17, 2017

      Have items you would like to donate to the raffle? You can contact Amanda with your details and she will hand it off to our raffle coordinator, Chrissy.

     This year all proceeds from the picnic will be going to a Central Family in need. We will continue taking submissions on a family/person in need until April 1st. All you have to do to submit someone is either email us at or message us on 

     Last year at the picnic we were able to give away over $200 worth of goodies to people and raised over $200 for our deserving family.

    Remember if you have something to put on our event calendar, then you can email us with the details and it will be added. If you know one of our fellow Indians that has passed away and you would like them added to the memorial portion of the website, please email us a picture if possible; be sure to include the name and dates for the individual that has departed this life.  

     If there is something that you would like featured at the picnic then you can also contact us with your ideas.   
June 10th 10:00 AM @ Central Civitan Building 
                                                                         Thank you for your time,

                                                       The Montgomery Central Alumni Committee

We're BACK

 Wow, it has been a long time. The 3 of us had to take some time off because of well life. There has been a lot of fun and unfortunately, sa...